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MOVE IT - Complimentary Tickets

  • 13th - 15th February, 2015
  • Complimentary access to the show:

Friday 13th: 10am-7pm
Saturday 14th: 10am-7pm
Sunday 15th: 10am-5pm

  • Valid for you and 1 guest
  • To invite a guest, please use the 'Invite Guest' function above.

The Story

MOVE IT, the UK’s largest dance event celebrates its 10 year anniversary with a host of brand new features to delight anyone with a passion for dance! London’s Olympia once again welcomes thousands of dance participants, celebrity guest stars, jaw-dropping performances, 240 dance classes, exhibitors from dance schools to fitness brands and a series of live interviews with celebrities from the international dance world.

On Valentine’s Day MOVE IT marks their decade of dance with some very special performances including Britain’s Got Talent’s finalists Flawless, who also celebrate their tenth birthday. With 24,000 dancers over three days, MOVE IT is an unforgettable experience for anyone who loves dance – from bodypop to ballet!

Olympia Exhibition Centre, Olympia Way, London

W14 8UX

Tel: .
