17th April 2015
Aaron Price
header 3 ART COLOGNE 2015 | OUR FAVOURITE WORKSKatharina Grosse – o.T., 2015

Art Cologne is one of the biggest international art fairs and it returns for 2015. Also known as one of the oldest art fairs it was originally launched as Kunstmarkt Köln in 1967. The fair has always been a number one destination for viewing, enjoying and buying the best artwork. There will be approximately 200 international galleries exhibiting a carefully selected display at the fair this year. This will include a range of top quality 20th and 21st century artwork. Art lovers can expect to find a wide range of modern and contemporary art from a wide range of price brackets. Whatever your taste or interest the fair promises to have something for everyone. We take a look at some of the outstanding art on offer and select some of our favourite works.

Georg Baselitz – Olaf Wieghorst on his way in the snow (Remix), 2007

Galerie Thomas Baselitz Olaf Wieghorst unterwegs im Schnee Remix 2007 PRESSE 859x1024 ART COLOGNE 2015 | OUR FAVOURITE WORKS

Georg Baselitz - Olaf Wieghorst on his way in the snow (Remix), 2007

The German artist’s work is characterised by expressionistic mark making and unrefined figurative deception. The multi-talented artist works in printmaking, drawing, painting and monumental wood sculptures. The artist often addresses issues related to German national identity post World War II. In particular he looks at the role of German artists. His influences are known to be Art Brut, Art Informel and Abstract Expressionism. The highly popular artist is displayed by Galerie Thomas, Munich at Art Cologne.

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Gerhard Richter – Abstraktes Bild 857-1, 1999


Gerhard Richter - Abstraktes Bild 857-1, 1999

The wildly popular artist is mostly known for his large-scale abstract paintings. His stylistic approach to painting often incorporates the visual effects of photography. He has also known to create photo-realist copies of black and white photographs. The artist has also worked in other mediums including sculpture and glasswork. His abstract works still remains most popular though, much like the piece featured here. The artist produces geometric ‘colour charts’ in his work, using bold, gestural abstractions. The artwork is featured by Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, who specialise in International contemporary art.

More information about Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

Henning Strassburger – Sie konnten alles und wollten nichts, 2015

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Henning Strassburger - Sie konnten alles und wollten nichts, 2015

Henning Strassburger is best known to some for his conceptual music videos. He also works as a multimedia painter though. His earlier works have known to feature centrally orientated compositions. His style often features the use of several layers. Hair has also been a frequent motif in his work that sometimes appears as ringlets and loops that resemble gestural brush strokes. It is featured by Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf at Art Cologne 2015.

More information about , Düsseldorf

Jens Einhorn – Untitled, 2015

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Jens Einhorn - Untitled, 2015

The works by this artist seem to conjure up some kind of an end time scenario. His paintings often convey the feeling of calm after a disaster beyond all expectations. The works give the impression of chaos and it seems as if the works have been damaged. Einhorn makes the viewer take pleasure in the destruction and often employs the use of bright colours. The artist was born in the former East Germany and has been heavily influenced by the socio-political upheavals of the period. He studied photography in Leipzig and also sculpture and new media. DUVE, Berlin, represent the artist at Art Cologne.

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Hanno Otten – Colorblock 1997/31, 1997


Hanno Otten - Colorblock, 1997

The artist has explored the question of colour for many years in his work. The artist takes an almost scientifically systematic approach in his work. He uses colour not only as a means of artistic expression but also reflects on colour as a construct of the brain. The artist looks at the ambiguousness, the physical precision and the change in the significance of a colour according to viewpoint. Priska Pasquer gallery features this artwork at Art Cologne 2015.

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Martin Eder – Widerstand / Resistance, 2014

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Martin Eder - Widerstand / Resistance, 2014

Martin Eder has been referring to the growing influence of martial picture and material fantasy within the media in his recent work. The subject of bellicose women in battle is ever present within his work. Female figures recur constantly within his work that heavily features catastrophe and war. The artist often displays battle torn women in a unique way that is juxtaposed to the historic battle scenery. In some ways this reflects modern society but also looks at the absence of women for historic paintings. Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin represent the artist at Art Cologne.

More information about Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin

Katharina Grosse – o.T., 2015

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Katharina Grosse - o.T., 2015

The artist’s large and colourful works explore how abstract painting functions in a three-dimensional field. The artist takes her work out of the studio into a larger context in which she can isolate certain specific concerns. The artist stated, “By making something small really large, you slow the information and time down, like slow motion”. Grosse believes that incorporating painting with its immediate environment forms a total system of light and colour that painting in two dimensions neglects. Johann König, Berlin display this piece at Art Cologne. It is also featured as our main image on this article.

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Sigmar Polke – Schüttbild Blau/Grün, 1986


Sigmar Polke - Schüttbild Blau/Grün, 1986

The artist is widely diverse in his exploration of mediums and materials. Inspired by his fascination with science and alchemy he innovated techniques in painting and photography by manipulating chemical process. The artist has been characterised by wit and endless inventiveness. The artist grew up in post-war Germany that led him to establish Capitalist Realism, which is an ironic exploration of consumerism. This uses imagery of popular culture and advertising. The artist is also widely known for his abstract works, much like a number of other popular German artists at the moment. The work is featured by Galerie Von Vertes, Zurich.

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Harald F. Müller – Maler und Modell, Kalaschnikow, 2015


Harald F. Müller - Maler und Modell, Kalaschnikow, 2015; Image courtesy of Mai 36 Galerie

The artists strongly coloured wall pieces fill entire rooms. They are often multi-layered works and feature photographic material. The artist has built up a photographic repertoire of appropriated images that are carefully researched and collected.  He repeatedly uses these in works he calls reproductions. He also develops colour concepts for buildings in collaboration with architects. The artist is represented at Art Cologne by Mai 36 Galerie.

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Bernard Frize – Dogan, 2012

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Bernard Frize - Dogan, 2012

Bernard Frize focuses on the mechanics of painting while maintaining an experimental approach. Themes of Minimalism, Abstract Expressionism and Color Field painting can be seen in his work. He often works in series with strict rules as to process and palette. The artist uses wide brushes to apply the colours in a grid pattern. Brushstrokes can be seen in his work that gives the piece an orderly yet random feel. This intriguing work is featured by Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Wien.

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Sayre Gomez – Untitled Painting in Cerulean, 2015

SG 2015 Untitled painting in Cerulean acrylic on canvas 84x60 727x1024 ART COLOGNE 2015 | OUR FAVOURITE WORKS

Sayre Gomez 2015 Untitled painting in Cerulean, acrylic on canvas, 84''x60''

The conceptual artist works across a variety of mediums including painting, sculpture, installations and artist’s books. His cerebral projects often employ found images and text as a means to comment on the ambiguous nature of communication. His works are characterised by a formalism inspired by typography and graphic design. Galerie Parisa Kind present the artist at Art Cologne.

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Ulrich Lamsfuss - Hervé Haddad, Citizen K. INTERNATIONAL Mars 2004 Glamorama Daniel Svarovski 294/9, 2014


Ulrich Lamsfuss - Hervé Haddad, Citizen K. INTERNATIONAL Mars 2004 Glamorama Daniel Svarovski, 249/9, 2014

The artist searches mass media and archival sources for photographs and luxury brand advertisements. He then transforms these into faithfully reproduced oil-on-canvas paintings. His works range from small to large scale with his lush painterly compositions often taking weeks to produce. This is in notable contradiction to his source photographs that were formed in an instant. Lamsfuss studied at the renowned Dusseldorf Art Academy under Georg Baselitz. The artist is represented by Hammelehle und Ahrens gallery at the fair.

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Marc Lüders – Figur 809-3-1, 2014

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Marc Lüders - Figur 809-3-1, 2014

Since 1993 the artist has been painting on photographs. The close relationship between the two mediums leads to a symbiotic interaction of both media. Besides the well known painted objects and realistic painted figures, he also integrates transparent figures in his latest series. His work in this series strives for a vast formal mergence. Shapes and colours of the original photographs are still apparent for the eye throughout the painted figures. The LEVY Galerie present the artist at Art Cologne.

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Art Cologne 2015 is currently underway and will run until Sunday the 19th of April. You can find out more information about the fair on

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