How I Met My Son – Inspiring first book by Rosalind Powell

4th February 2016
Lorella Perri

Untitled 2 How I Met My Son Inspiring first book by Rosalind Powell How I Met My Son is an inspiring and moving book written by Rosalind Powell, on her wish and quest to become a mother. Eclectic journalist currently working as Contributing Editor for Hello! magazine, Powell boasts an extensive portfolio of work developed over two decades of experience across national newspapers such as The Guardian, The Sunday Times and The Mirror, as well as magazines such as Grazia, Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan.

The book revolves around Powell’s personal experience; from the shock of infertility, to the futile attempt at IVF, to the ultimate decision of adopting in the UK and the consequential related issues such as social services testing and long assessment processes. How I Met My Son Inspiring first book by Rosalind Powell The book is an emotional journey through difficulties, frustrations, hope and joy that culminates in choosing (and being chosen by) a child, and finally being able to bring him home.

How I Met My Son has already received praises from critics and celebrities. Actress and celebrity chef Lisa Faulkner stated “I wish this book had been around when I was first looking at adoption. A real chink of light in those dim days of searching to become a mother”; Sir Martin Narey, Government Advisor on Adoption said “An honest account of dealing with the hurtful reality of infertility and the difficult, often tortuous process of adoption … It’s a story of immense optimism” and Chief Executive of Adoption UK, Hugh Thornbery added “[The book] bravely tackles a number of issues that inform others thinking about adopting … A well-written book and easy to read”.

How I Met My Son – A Journey Through Adoption is the first book written by Rosalind Powell, and will be published on the 11th February 2016 by Blink Publishing, an imprint of Bonnier Books Ltd.

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